08 Dec How to fit your Holter Monitor
Heart disease is the biggest killer in NZ and although not curable, it can be both preventable and treatable. Our service is dedicated to Holter and Cardiac Event Monitoring that gives patients an option to have a device fitted directly at the GP practice. The report comes complete with a Cardiologist-approved diagnosis and treatment recommendation all within a matter of days.
If you are currently using our Monitors within your clinic and would like further support with the process, here is a quick guide to preparing and fitting a Holter Monitor:
Before fitting the monitor ensure the area is free of hair to avoid interference on the ECG. Place the electrodes in the correct area with the press stud at the bottom.
Insert the battery and connect the cables from the Lifecard CF Holter to the correct electrodes. Red to the right, Yellow in the center and Green on the left.
Once the cables are connected, check the ECG on the screen for a good signal and hit the Start button. The Holter slides in the pouch and the patient can now continue their usual daily routine.
Inform the patient of when and where to return the Holter and give them a diary to document any necessary symptoms that can then be correlated to the ECG.
By using our Holter Monitor service you are providing state of the art mobile cardiac monitoring directly to your patients. Your patients are reassured at the quick diagnosis and your practice can offer a wider, more competitive range of services to your community.
If you have a patient who presents with episodes of palpitations, mild breathlessness or dizziness and cannot be analysed during a regular check-up then please refer them for a Holter Monitor.
“Holter Monitors are a useful diagnostic tool when patient symptoms are not consistent enough to be accurately diagnosed during routine appointment.” Michael Maxim, Clinical Cardiac Physiologist